This module is designed to cover the fundamentals of manipulators, links, and joints. Ohm's law, work, energy and power. A discussion of kinematics and haptic technology is presented, as well as dextrous manipulation, and an overview of the basic coordinate systems for a robot manipulator. The theoretical and practical aspects of manipulators and spatial analysis are introduced in this module using a combination of video, animation, and a laboratory projects and featuring Robotics simulation software.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this module the student will be able to:
- Name the most common type of manipulator
- Differentiate between robot links and joints
- Define major axes and minor axes
- Explain the purpose of kinematics in robotic systems
- Describe screw theory in kinematic applications
- Name the three types of revolute joints
- Define haptic technology
- List the four general categories of robotic manipulation
- Differentiate between velocity manipulability and velocity workspace analysis
- Describe the function of dexterous manipulation
- Name the three basic co-ordinate systems for a robot manipulator
- Explain the operation of a gantry robot
- List six end effectors used in industrial robotics
- Determine the shape of a work envelope