Industrial Robotics Simulation Software
Learn to program industrial robots, including Cartesian, SCARA, Fanuc & Motoman systems
The simulation software, RoboLogix, is designed to emulate real-world robotics applications and employs the basic principles common to the vast majority of robots currently in use in the automation industry including Cartesian and SCARA designs. This sophisticated simulator, (based on the FANUC LR Mate series robots), helps students learn the practical side of programming industrial robots in a safe environment. It uses a teach pendant and very common instruction set that may be familiar to those who have already worked on Fanuc and Motoman systems. The four 3D simulated training environments included in the program are pick and place, spray painting and spot welding and arc welding applications. The powerful simulation tool provides students with engineering-level simulation and robotics equipment worth thousands of dollars.
RoboLogix Simulation Software includes:
- User-friendly 3D interface allows for “real-world” simulation
- Four 3D environments include pick and place, paint, arc welding and spot welding
- Test and de-bug programs in a safe, non-hazardous environment
- Perform accurate robot simulations to verify reach, cycle time, through-put, etc.
- Design or edit robotic programs without tying up programming time on an actual robot
- Compare robotics programs to optimize cycle times
- Enter modify and retrieve programs using a simulated tech penchant/control panel
- The Paint, Spot and Arc welding applications employ a 'Point to point' and 'Path' definition instructions allowing for both online and offline programming approaches
- Save position option allows the user to save desired locations that they navigate to using the teach pendants JOG buttons
- Five camera views and zoom function to 'move' inside each 3D environment
- 60 lab project presented in four 3D applications